Sunday, September 28, 2008

Row Your Boat

Playing "Row, row, row your boat" is a Mooney family favorite. Micah has played with Nana and Pop for as long as he's lived in the States. We've added our favorite green rocking chair and our beloved Elisha to the game, which ends, of course, with tickling. Micah has recently added falling out of the chair at the end. He thinks this is hilarious. Check out Daddy's action shot!

Daddy's Socks

What's crazy is that these are his ankle socks. Look how big they are on Micah. Elisha thought it was pretty funny, too.

He's also tried on Daddy's shirts. Each time he's done this, it's been totally self-initiated and he's gotten them on by himself. I should have taken a picture the day he came to me with one of Britt's Superman shirts (long-sleeved) with his cape in hand asking for help to put it on. Pretty clever little guy that Micah!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Birthday Cupcakes at School

On Micah's birthday he helped decorate cupcakes for school. He used colored tubes of frosting to make cool designs on the cupcakes. The next day, Mommy and Elisha brought them to school at the end of the day. His classmates seemed to have fun celebrating with him.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday!

What a special day! Nana took Micah out to lunch and to the toy store. He got Bill and Ben (Thomas trains) and a Batman toy in his Happy Meal. Then Oma, Opa and Andrea took Micah, Mommy and Elisha out to dinner at Chick-fil-A. Happy the Clown made Micah a special birthday balloon hat and panted his face like Robin (Batman's side-kick). Daddy joined us at home and we ate cupcakes and opened presents (books, Cranky the Crane, Bob the Builder tools and a backpack). He's so proud to be 3. Just ask him how old he is!

I somehow lost a bunch of photos while trying to download them. There were good pics of Oma and Opa and Micah with Mommy - oh, well! At least we didn't loose them all.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It was kids' night at Chick-fil-A last night. Oma and Opa treated us to dinner. Happy the Clown was there. Micah got his face painted like batman; that's what he wanted. When it was his turn, he took his number to the clown, climbed up in the chair, talked with her (a little shyly at first) and then sat very still while they chatted and she painted his face. And he brought home three balloon swords. When he got home he put on his cape and flew around the house. There were tears when I insisted we wash off the face paint before bed. It was smearing and itching. Micah even stopped his Aunt Dodie, the director of his preschool and told her the story before going to class this morning. Da da da da da da . . . Batman!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

First Day of School

Micah is attending preschool again this fall. Wednesday was his first day. Here he is with his power shake and his school bag getting ready to get in the car. On the way to school he tried to convince me to just drop him off at the door, but this mama bear needed to walk him in. Maybe we'll try the drop-off method next week, when I feel a little braver. My baby is growing up so fast. Both yesterday and today he did not want to leave when I got there to pick him up. I guess that's a good sign, right?