Monday, March 29, 2010

Cultural Events

In the last month, Micah has been to four cultural events - big firsts for him. He went with our friends the Pockruses and Katherine Vick to a ballet of Peter Pan. I was so surprised at how he asked so many questions about the sets and lighting. He tried hard to understand how the computers in the back could make the lights in the ceiling shine on the stage at just the right time and location. And the wires that the kids flew around on were also especially intriguing. We went to Ringling Brothers Three Ring Circus with our friends the Vicks. Micah liked the human cannons. He also talked about how things worked after this show, asking a lot of questions. We went to a family opera day (with the Vick and Pockrus families) and saw The Ugly Duckling. They also had an area to dress up in costumes and an instrument petting zoo. We got to take a tour through the costume shop. Micah blew in a trumpet and surprised himself and the volunteer that he could make noise with it! He also saw a play, The Wind in the Willows with Oma. There were quite a few funny parts that he tried to retell and then explain to me. I'm so grateful we have so many amazing opportunities with our kids to do these things and that Micah is engaged enough to sit a watch.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tub Time

Sometimes it is just plain fun to get in the tub with two little sisters.