Monday, December 12, 2005

Little Man

Here's our little man sitting up and loving it.
Thanksgiving weekend was the first time he wore shoes. Doesn't he look cute?
The couch in the Hospitality House has a corner, where Micah sits up like a champ.

As a mom on the go, I sure am glad that he doesn't mind his car seat.
The fuzzy doggy slippers keep his toes warm.
Micah loves to drool all over the animals on this quilt from Sarah Spitzer's mom.

At 11 weeks (Monday, December 5th) Micah was 7 kg (15+ pounds) and 26 inches long.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

First ICS Basketball Game

Micah went to his first ICS basketball game today. I couldn't resist dressing him in his running pants and a Tshirt that has "TEAM" on the front. I'm biased, but I think he looks so adorable!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Yoido Trip

On Sunday, December 4th, Britt, Micah and I visited Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul. It is the largest church in the world with over 800,000 members.


After we visited the church, we also took a tour of International Prayer Mountain. It had snowed Saturday evening. Everything was beautifully covered with snow and quite chilly. Micah snoozed in the front pack inside my coat for a good portion of the day. Can you find him?

There he is. He seemed to like being all snuggled up.

He sure was a trooper. We left our house at 6:30am and didn't return home until after 8pm. After our very busy day he still was all smiles playing on our bed.