Happy 3rd Birthday!

What a special day! Nana took Micah out to lunch and to the toy store. He got Bill and Ben (Thomas trains) and a Batman toy in his Happy Meal. Then Oma, Opa and Andrea took Micah, Mommy and Elisha out to dinner at Chick-fil-A. Happy the Clown made Micah a special birthday balloon hat and panted his face like Robin (Batman's side-kick). Daddy joined us at home and we ate cupcakes and opened presents (books, Cranky the Crane, Bob the Builder tools and a backpack). He's so proud to be 3. Just ask him how old he is!

I somehow lost a bunch of photos while trying to download them. There were good pics of Oma and Opa and Micah with Mommy - oh, well! At least we didn't loose them all.
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