Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

We iced Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve and took them to our Christmas events.
Micah was so excited about Transformers this Christmas!
Cousin Charlotte was at Oma & Opa's on Christmas day; she's always so much fun!
Time with his cousins and the sports equipment (soccer/hockey goal, ball, puck, sticks) were the highlights at Nana &  Pop's on the 26th.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 2009

December = being sneaky and taking pictures without Mommy knowing - lots of pictures, decorating our house for Christmas, a sibling photo shoot, licking brownie batter off of rubber spatulas, making Christmas cookies with cookie cutters, making pretzel snowmen for our friends at preschool and Micah's first Christmas production at school.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Special Friends

One of Micah's best friends is Evan Vick. Our lives seem to be returning to normal (after Hosanna's arrival). We ventured out to the Mall of Georgia to play on the indoor playground and eat a picnic lunch with our dear friends the Vicks. Two mommies were outnumbered by six kids under six years old.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Because Oma and Opa got the flu, we ended up having a Thanksgiving meal at our house. A bunch of folks joined us (this happens often). Micah spent quite a long time taking pictures, most of which are of one of his K'nex right in front of the lense. Then it looks like a light saber. He experimented with different colors, too. Micah's creativity amazes us!