Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 2009

Since we have a weekly church meeting in our home during which we all eat together, we end up with lots of leftover food that folks think we might be able to use. This cake was left over from a wedding. We were given the majority of a sheet of it. The wedding was Saturday night and we served it at our house on Sunday night. In an effort to use up the cake, Micah and I decided to build a trifle. He got to cut the cake into pieces, break up cookies, spray canned whipped cream...all things I don't normally allow him to do by himself. He thoroughly enjoyed this project!
For Valentine's treats for Micah's preschool class, we made these candy trains. I thought he would fizzle out long before we were done, but he stayed engaged through the whole process - from picking out the candy at the store until the last card and train were tied together. He was so proud walking into school the next day!

He's pretending he's a turtle - or did until he started to feel a little stuck under that stool!
Micah's been very interested in writing his own name. Here's one of his first good attempts. Look closely - you can see the M-i-backwards c-a-H. Pretty good for 3 1/2.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

January 2009

time with Aunt Di, monkeys in a barrel at a German restaurant, watching TV with Daddy (cell phone by his side like Mommy), helping Mommy open presents and being Spiderman

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Trip to PA Feb 2009

In February we returned to PA to be with my mom's family - this time for my Grandfather's funeral. Micah got to play with my cousins. They were so sweet with him.

He had fun bowling (funny story below) at my Grammie's nursing home
and playing in the snow with Elisha, Oma and Opa.

We had a memorial service for my Granddad at my Grammie's nursing home. This was after the service at the funeral home and the one at the graveside. During the service, Micah got restless and Opa took him for a walk. They went by the room with the bowling table (see above). Micah asked Opa if he could go bowling and Opa told him that they would need to ask Grammie later. After they finished their walk, they returned to the memorial service, which was wrapping up, but not quite over. When they walked in, Micah walked toward the front. Opa thought he was headed to sit with Oma. Instead he walked right up to Grammie and asked, "Will you go bowling with me?" She didn't hear him, so the lady next to him repeated rather loudly, "He wants to know if you will go bowling with him." Grammie's face lit up and she smiled bigger than I have seen her smile in quite some time. Everyone laughed. It was the perfect, innocent comedic relief we all needed. And later Micah did indeed get to go bowling.