Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Flemings Visit
Easter weekend our friends the Flemings came through town on their way from DC to Texas. Kenny and Nicole are our good friends from our time in Korea. Their daughter Faith is precious! They were here in late December. This time I remembered to take some pictures. We got a big crew to meet for dinner at Olive Garden.
Micah's buds Katherine and Evan were there.

Easter Fun
Micah helped fill Easter eggs for the egg hunt at his school. It was hard to convince him to put the candy in the eggs, but we had a lot of fun.

Easter morning Micah opened his gifts with Daddy.

Easter evening we went to house church. The kids had an Easter egg hunt and a special time talking about the resurrection with Resurrection Eggs and Miss Nichole.

Friday, March 21, 2008
First Date and Egg Hunt
Thursday, March 20th Micah and I had our first date since Elisha's birth. We used to spend a lot of time together, just the two of us. That certainly changed when we welcomed little Elisha to the earth. I surprised him by dropping only Elisha off with Oma and we headed to Monkey Joe's. It's an indoor inflatable playground. We climbed and jumped until we were both quite exhausted. Then we ate lunch at Whole Foods, a grocery/health food store with a salad/dessert/hot bar. He got to choose his lunch and dessert. He got to sit at the table with me (no hi-chair or booster seat or bib) like a big boy. He beamed the whole morning and we had so much fun!
Friday, March 21st, Micah and I met Tabitha and Nichole at FBCD for an Easter egg hunt. He did a much better job this year hunting for eggs. He understood the concept and did a great job picking up eggs. He got excited about what was inside - marked improvement over last year. (See the blog) There was a petting zoo, a craft, a sing-a-long and we took a picnic lunch. I can't believe both Nichole and I forgot our cameras.