Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We were driving the other day and I heard funny sounds coming from the back seat. I asked Micah what he was doing. He told me he was trying to sound out that word. I asked what word it was - what the letters were. He replied KFC. The sounds were appropriate for sounding out KFC. We then had a conversation about acronyms.
And why has he decided to try to be Spiderman at a time where playing outside isn't very practical due to cold weather? I don't know how to redirect him - there isn't an appropriate place to climb like that in our house and he is so determined...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Gingerbread Man with Mema
What a special treat! Mema came and helped Micah and Elisha decorate gingerbread people before house church last night. Micah loved every minute of the attention from Mema and the creative process. He quickly cleaned his plate at dinner and then asked, "May I eat my gingerbread man now?" He proceeded to eat all the candy off the top and then the poor man's fingers and toes. It is always fun to watch my children spending time making memories with dear friends, like Mema.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
The Children's Museum
Our good friends the Pockrus' invited us and the Vicks to join them for a day at the Children's Museum (free on the second Tuesday of the month - sponsored by Target). We played and played until we wore ourselves out. Then we walked through Olympic Park to the CNN building for dinner (see the last picture). The weather was balmy for December and there were Christmas lights everywhere to light our way. After dinner, Micah was tired, but walked the city block back to the museum and then another city block to our car. After he finished eating his dinner in the car, hungry again after all that walking, he said, "Mommy, I'm ready to go to sleep now. May I have my piglet, please?" I handed him Piglet and he promptly fell asleep. We had such a great day riding, climbing, building, splashing, discovering and walking.

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Micah and Elisha
Micah and Elisha are really sweet to one another almost all the time. It's been the prayer of my heart that they would be very close. They snuggle and kiss and miss one another when they're apart. They keep each other awake at night talking and often wake each other up in the morning. They like to sit together to watch TV, even squeezing together in the laundry basket. I was hoping to get a good picture that I could use as a Christmas picture, but was not very successful - at least not at getting the kind of picture I had hoped . . . but they had fun . . . mostly.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Letters and Words
Micah continues to love letters and now that he knows the sounds that almost all the letters make, he's working on figuring out how to put them together to make words. Daddy is great at helping him build words. They spelled out words and changed the first letters to make up new nonsense words and Micah belly laughed about it over and over again. It's so fun to watch him exploring and learning like this!