Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Britt has recently introduced Micah to old episodes of Flash Gordan and The Superfriends. Here we are with our capes on in the spaceship flying around. Micah spilled an unfolded laundry basket of towels onto the floor, spread out a space in the middle in which to sit and called it his spaceship. He brought me blankets for us to wear as capes and we flew around the room with our capes billowing in the breeze behind us. Not long after this, he discovered the hooded towels in the pile (a bunny and a penguin). They became our new superhero characters - Super Bunny and Super Penguin. Unfortunately the camera's battery died. That was even more entertaining! I had to trick him into saving Piglet in his room to get him to go to bed. He was having so much fun! I even told him a story about Super Bunny and Super Penguin saving the day before we turned out the light. What a fun way to create a special memory. Who knew how much fun a clean, unfolded load of towels could be!?!

The Snowman!
On January 19th, it snowed at our house just enough for Micah and Eric to make a really cool smowman together in our front yard.