Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Micah's 2nd Birthday
From 8:45 (right after breakfast) until 11:15, Micah played with his new train. He requested and wore the birthday hat much of the time. Because he was too busy playing at his party, he ate choo-choo-train cake after both breakfast (Dad is great! Feeds me choo-choo cake!) and lunch. If you ask him how old he is, he often says "two weeks" and then laughs because he knows the correct answer and is making a joke!

Micah's Train Party
To: Nana, Pop, Aunt Amy, Uncle Derek, McKenna, Jeremiah, Kyla, Aunt Gina, Uncle Ben, Great Uncle Dave, Aunt Andrea, Oma, Opa, Aunt Diana, Ms. Mary Watkins, Heather, Eric, Miss Charlotte, Evan, Katherine, Mr. Vince, Ms. Suzy, Shawnee, Evan, Adam, Ms. Lisa, Beth, Mema and Ms. Stacy
Thanks so much for making Micah's 2nd birthday so wonderful! Your presence and presents blessed all of us!

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Shoes and Blueberry Shakes
We moved into our new house on September 1st. Since then, we've made a few new discoveries: how much fun it is to wear Daddy's and Mommy's shoes and how delicious blueberry shakes are.
Whenever Micah finds this hat and Britt's running shoes, he puts them on and announces, "Going running. See ya later." just like his daddy.
Whenever Micah finds this hat and Britt's running shoes, he puts them on and announces, "Going running. See ya later." just like his daddy.

Funny Faces and Flying
Here are a few pictures from Emma's wedding. After putting on my dress that day, when I walked into Micah's room, he said to me, "Mommy's beautiful!" I almost cried. He proceeded to tell describe Emma and Gina as beautiful that day, too. During the ceremony he kept commenting, "There's Emma!" even after telling us in the car "in the church building - shh! - be quiet". Who else do you know that can charm his way into getting the bride to fly him in the sky at her own reception?