Five Month Milestones
It's only Wednesday and already it's been a monumentous week for Micah. On Monday, he cut his first tooth. The bottom left tooth is up and out. The bottom right tooth is not far behind.
We also started with rice cereal again, this time much more successfully. There's been much more swallowing.

eating every 3 hours (6 times a day -6,9,12,3,6,9ish) to every 3 1/2 hours. This means that he only eats 5 times a day (6:30,10,1:30,5,8ish) and goes to bed earlier.
On Tuesday, Micah decided it was time to start crawling. He figured out how to alternate moving his hands with far fewer face plants than ever before. His little bottom half looks like a fish tail, squirming all over the place. He reaches his destinations quite quickly. He's also sitting up very well these days. He loves to walk around holding my hands.

I think I better get to bed. Who knows what he'll figure out tomorrow!