A Few Stories

On Friday we hung out with some good friends and the kids helped Charlotte (the mommy) replant some fall mums. Later that day, Micah made me a flower and put it on my bedside table. It was his sippy cup in his snack bowl. He also commented, "And you can drink it, too." Brilliant!
Last night Micah climbed in Elisha's crib and his foot got stuck between the slats. He was screaming and Elisha was crying out "Ouwa! Ouwa!" This is what she says when she gets hurt. I got Micah unstuck and held him. I picked Elisha up, too. She loved all over Micah, hugging, stroking and patting him. Then she proceeded to poke him in the chest with her little pointer finger and fuss at him very seriously, as if to say, "You know you aren't supposed to be in my crib. I told you we'd get in trouble." Micah got told by his sister for the first time when she was just 10 months old. I wonder if things will continue like this...
Micah has been interested lately in what road we are driving on and which way we'll be turning next. So, our conversation in the car often revolves around where we are going and how we'll get there. On the way to school last week:
Micah: "Mommy, this is Tab Roberts Road, right?"
Me: "Yes, buddy, it is."
Micah: "I know that because it is so curvy."
Me, astounded: "Yes, you're right. You have such a great memory."
I had a conference with his teacher at school last week, too. She had a lot of positive feedback and a few areas, in which Micah needs some work (changing activities, gooey stuff on his hands, not being possessive about toys, cutting and drawing shapes). One thing she said that was really odd to me, was that he doesn't often speak to her in complete sentences. He also won't tell her his whole name. He does both of those things consistently at home, elsewhere and to the teacher's aide, just not to his teacher. Odd...
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