Big Boy Bed
Micah is now, as of November 13th, sleeping in a toddler bed. We bought it second hand and Pop fixed some of the slats in the bottom. Then Nana made Micah a special airplane quilt to go on it. We'd been talking about it for a few weeks and Micah even got to sleep in a bed at Oma and Opa's as a trial run. The big boy bed at home was a complete success. The first few days he even ran to it in delight and crawled under the covers with his shoes still on before I could get into his room. Now we just have to convince him that his baby sister really does have rights to the crib.

I remember when Katherine moved to her big girl bed and it was such a success as well. Yeah!! Micah you are getting bigger-all growed up like Katherine would say. Is he asking to for the keys to the car yet??hehehe
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