Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bodily functions

It will never cease to boggle my mind how funny my boys think bodily functions are - especially those that make noise or stink. A couple weeks ago Britt and Micah were in the stairwell when Britt passed gas. It echoes in the stairwell. Micah surprisedly asked, "What that?" Britt told him, "Daddy pooted." To this Micah replied, "Daddy pooted" with a giggle. Now Micah also points out when he or Britt burbs. He also points out when anyone coughs and says "bwess you" anytime anyone sneezes.

On Sunday night we arrived home very late from West Virginia and Micah had fallen asleep in the car. Britt carried him in and put him in his crib. I went in to tuck him in. Micah was fast asleep, when he passed gas and commented, "Micah pooted." and then giggled. Why is that so funny that he can comment and laugh in his sleep? Indeed, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?


Blogger Three Fold Cord said...

LOL LOL LOL LOL I can't stop laughing-SO cute and disgusting all at the same time!!

2:08 PM  
Blogger Laura Beth said...

It's not just a boy thing. Hannah calls it "popping" and she has been giggling about it since she was 13 months old. She has been known to wake up at night, after five hours of sleep and say "Hannah pop!" Maybe it's an age thing....doesn't really explain Britt, or does it? :)

5:39 AM  

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