A Fort and Playgrounds
Micah continues to be a very active little guy and I've discovered how much fun we can have together at the playground. He takes better naps and is overall in better form if we play together in the morning. So , we've been going to playgrounds together a few mornings a week.
Here we are playing with Oma at the Perimeter Church/School playground after music class,

at the Mall of Georgia with Miss Charlotte, Katherine and Evan,

at home in a fort,

and at Discover Mills.

("Micah do it! Yeah!")
Here we are playing with Oma at the Perimeter Church/School playground after music class,

at the Mall of Georgia with Miss Charlotte, Katherine and Evan,

("Micah do it! Yeah!")
Mine always take better naps when we haev been active as well. Thanks so much for going with us the other day. I could tell the kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Oh I love these pictures, especially the on of Micah on the slide with you looking on! Good job Oma!
And it is my personal and professional opinion that forts at home are the best!
I love y'all!!!!
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