Sunday, February 12, 2006

Airplanes & Airports

Due to the very unfortunate passing of a dear friend, Craig Cooper, (Check out Britt's blog: we took an unexpected trip to the States. We had a layover in Tokyo and Britt and Micah found a comfy place on the floor in the sun for a little snooze.
Micah and Britt played video games on our international flight from Houston to Tokyo.

Micah was behaving so well we decided he deserved a cookie.
Back in the Tokyo airport, Micah passed the time with another nap.

Micah entertained many people waiting for our flight from Tokyo back to Seoul. He sauntered around like a superstar, smiling at anyone who would pay attention to him.


Blogger Gina said...

What a trooper!!! I am impressed with his good-natured-ness during all of this travel.
Give him a kiss for me!

10:08 PM  

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